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Blue Velocity Ridgebacks

A golden Phu Quoc Ridgeback with a green collar looks intently at the viewer

Blue Velocity Ridgebacks is a Hawaii-based small hobby kennel dedicated to the Phu Quoc Ridgeback breed. My goal is to breed sound temperamented, healthy, well-structured, true-to-type Phu Quoc Ridgebacks. I strive to embrace their sporting potential by utilizing their unique athleticism and biddability. Ethical breeding practices are of utmost importance to me. I’ve spent much of my time, money, energy, and effort into titling, health testing, and choosing the best of the breed to work with. My dogs are a part of my family and I am so proud of them.


Phu Quoc Ridgebacks are truly excellent sport dogs and companions, and I hope to highlight their versatility and share my passion for the breed.


Welcome to Blue Velocity.

Our Dogs

The foundation of our breeding program

About The Breed

Learn about the Phu Quoc Ridgeback


Boarding and dog training in Oahu, Hawaii



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